Sunday, 25 April 2010


The MAFDC 302010 continued to weeks 16. After the RFS visit the course assignment geared to the top speed. From the presentation Conflict resolution, military security (theoritical approaches to military studies) and the colloquium, journal review and comparative studies assignments to be submitted and present in the Dewan Trisakti. During the previous weeks my health conditions also not in good form. I had the flu and 2 days MC. Luckily my blood test results show negative from dengue fever but the uric acid increase. The following weeks 17 and 18 will be our study weeks from 10 May and continues with regional field visit to Penang, Medan and Phuket. The first terms breaks will start immediately after our RFS visit before continue the 2nd term on the 1 Jun 2010.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


After 3 month the first test to the thesis is the proposal colloquium. The platform to start the thesis with the guidance from Supervisors officers and to begin with right direction. The work first day of the Colloquium on 5 Apr at Awana (GH). The first clm present his proposal at 2000hrs, and my presentation was on the second day. Even though the PS and the hypothesis not matching, the topic still sound and can be continue. Anyway the platform for the colloquium is to ensure the CPs to be more focus on the subject matters and do not run away from the topic selected. The boring part is the CPs must be in the hall to hear every proposals. Eventhough CP allowed to do thier own works but the distraction from the comments, CPs whispers among CPs and others activities which better used for other activities. The whole weeks going to be at GHA. The accomodation and food starts depletes and monotonoues. Anyway CPs have times to go for jogging, gym and even to high GH for refreshments. We also can evaluate the through colours of CP when presenting thier own and genuine to defend thier thought. Some get it as the turning point. The assignment also getting burden towards the end of semester and the test getting closer and closer. Bye

Sunday, 4 April 2010


The visit started on friday from Subang airport to Halim Sastranegara airbase in Jakarta. We were accomoadate at orchard hotel. The first visit to Asean Secreatariat and to MABES TNI. In the evening we depart to Bandung by bus through Jakarta Bandung highway. In Bandung we stayed at Preanger Hotel located at Jalan Asia Africa. The first vist in bandung was the SESKO TNI than to PT PIANDAD. At night we had 4 hrs shopping with spouse. The fourth day we departed from Hussein Airbase to Valimor Airbase in Manila. In Manila we stay at Diamond hotel. The visit in Manila started with briefing by Malaysan Embassay and the afternoon visited the National Defence College of the Philiphines at the Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City. The last day before we depart we visited the Armscor weapon in Markina district. By 1100 we rushed back to the hotel. By 1300we were at the Vilamor Airbase to catched our flight to Subang airbase.


aWAL pagi kami ke SRA TKJ bagi menghadiri majlis penyampaian hadiah, kebiasaanya di pagi Sabtu dan minggu kami ke Tmn Rakyat bagi aktiviti jogging dan senamiarobik. Adik Emee dapat hadiah di dalam acara perbualan bahasa arab. Setibanya di sekolah, rupa-rupanya majlis disekalikan dengan Mesyuarat PIBG dan acara penyampaian hadiah diadakan di akhir mesyuarat . Hampir keseluruhan yang datang adalah disebabkan jemputan penyampaian hadiah. Mugkin kami tidak dapat surat PIBG kerana adik emee tidak hadir semasa latihan penyampaian hadiah. Biar apapun, dari pagi hingga jam 1300 aku dan isteri berpeuluang mengikuti mesyuarat PIBG. Mesyuarat kali ini juga bagi melantik AJK PIBG bagi sesi 2010 hingga 2012. YDP PIBG yang lama mengudur diri setelah 6 tahun memegangnya. seperti biasanya juga AJK lama masih kekal kerana kebanyakan yang hadir tidak kenal satu sama lain. Ini disebabkan penempatan dan pekerjaan yang tidak sama tempat seperti sekolah di kampong. Masing-masing tidak berjumpa dan yang hadir juga tidak mencapai 200 ibubapa. Ini menjadi lumrah dan ianya perlu dijadikan satu usaha baru bagi menghimpunkan ibubapa dengan aktiviti agar silaturahim antara umat islam terus bertaut erat. Aktiviti-aktivi seperti garage sales, hari kantin, hari keluarga bersama anak-anak dijalankan bagi mengeratkan lagi persaudaraan islam. Risalah dan ruang komunikasi perlu diusahakan diperingkat sekolah, taman dengan mengadakan wakil ibubapa mewakili taman perumahan atau mewakili zon. Sebarang masalah diperingkat anak-anak seperti ponteng, gangguan dan lain-lain masalah dapat diatasi dengan sebaik mungkin. Aku juga mencadangkan agar pihak sekolah mengadakan laman web atau blog sebagai salah satu cara komunikasi baru disebabkan masa dan kesibukan ibubapa dan guru yang sukar dihubungi. Pihak sekolah dan PIBG boleh memuat turun sebarang maklumat sekolah seperti jadual, cuti, peraturan dan juga maklumat untuk dimaklumkan kepada ibubapa. Biarpun penggunaanya sedikit diawal pelaksanaan tetapi sekurang-kurangnya maklumat yang ada dapat disimpan bagi generasi akan datang. minit mesyuarat PIBG boleh di muat dalam blog/atau email kepada ibubapa secepat mungkin ataupun sebarang maklumat dapat diakses oleh anak-anak yang lebih mahir daripada ibubapa.
SRATKJ juga baru mendapat GB iaitu Tuan Abd rashid b Mat Sani. Orang asal Kpg jawa, asalnya belajar di Sek Menengah Agama Hishamuddin dan sekarang menetap di Meru Klang. Sramai 27 tenaga pengajar tetapi Ustaznya hanya 2 orang. mana perginya ustaz/anak muda tidak berminatkah menjadi ustaz atau tidak berkelayakan aatau gajinya kecik? Inilah persoalan yang perlu dibincang diperingkat pemerintah bagi memastikan keseimbangan dan halatuju pendidikan negara. Adakah gaji?, glamour? kelayakan? atau tiada motivasi/pendorong kepada pelajar lelaki untuk menjadi ustaz? Tanggungjawab siapa? keperihatinan siapa? atau remain status quo? (NO MOOD to look into my MAFDC>>>>>>>?//????/)


Awal pagi saT

Thursday, 1 April 2010


Today 1 Apr, coming to first quarters of year 2010. The course getting tougher and tougher with assignment meeting the date line. After a week in RFS at Jakarta, Bandung (Indo) and Manila (Phil) all CP are working hard to complete their thesis proposal to be submitted on 29 Mar. Of luck the date of submission extended to 31 Mar. This week I had a hectic day prepared my first gp presentation on Crisis Resolution Algeria on Tuesday. Shaifudin and I started prep our assignment until wee hours in the morning and managed to present in DT successfully. The next day I fully gear up for my thesis proposal since my SO recommended for new topic. After submission I continue my preparation on Dr Z theoretical and security studies class which brought forward one day earlier on 1 Apr. The agony of working late and last minutes sometimes good in ensuring the work can be done. Anyway I managed to submit within time given.


"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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