Tuesday 13 July 2010


12 JUL -16 JUL is the 27 week at MAFDC. The module now turn to be on Defence Policy and Strategy Formulation under then Convenor C. Ranjit S.Ramday. The first day kick off with In introduction by Course Convernor followed by lecture from Dr Hj Ismail Ahmad from Under Sec Policy Division, Mindef. The topic cover is Defence policy formulation: MINDEF approaches and Experiences. After the Lunch lectures from Mohd Tarid Suffian Under Sec from Planning Dept. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The topic cover on Malaysia's Foreign Policy: Current and Future Trends. The Q&A really heated with 20 to 19 post to presenter. The monday evening very hectic due to our morning World Cup final between Spain (1) vs Netherland (0) from Inestia gol at 10? minute.
Tuesday morning CPwas briefed on Ex Tahan and through the module CP to present 3 assignment and all to be submit on 21and 30 July 2010. The lectures for the weeks will be Malaysia Sy Outlook: Internal and External factor from Mr Adenan from R&D Division PM office. The other lectures from Wednesday from Bkt Aman, Vist to Foreign Affairs and from CoS Lt Jen Datuk Raja Mohamed Affendi bin Raja Mohame d Nor Hq MAF. For the week the schedule busy with my ICT assignment. .....

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