Wednesday 7 April 2010


After 3 month the first test to the thesis is the proposal colloquium. The platform to start the thesis with the guidance from Supervisors officers and to begin with right direction. The work first day of the Colloquium on 5 Apr at Awana (GH). The first clm present his proposal at 2000hrs, and my presentation was on the second day. Even though the PS and the hypothesis not matching, the topic still sound and can be continue. Anyway the platform for the colloquium is to ensure the CPs to be more focus on the subject matters and do not run away from the topic selected. The boring part is the CPs must be in the hall to hear every proposals. Eventhough CP allowed to do thier own works but the distraction from the comments, CPs whispers among CPs and others activities which better used for other activities. The whole weeks going to be at GHA. The accomodation and food starts depletes and monotonoues. Anyway CPs have times to go for jogging, gym and even to high GH for refreshments. We also can evaluate the through colours of CP when presenting thier own and genuine to defend thier thought. Some get it as the turning point. The assignment also getting burden towards the end of semester and the test getting closer and closer. Bye

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