Wednesday 9 June 2010


WEEKS 19, the visit programme to IMTGT (Penang-Phuket-Medan) aand weeks 20 is the semester break. This is the best and the happy ending semester one but the thesis going to get tougher (going get tough, the tough get going). The two weeks so short and really switch off but few moment a little worriness glittering at the corner with the hurdles of thesis beacon. The good news a group of CP gathered at Nilai Golf Spring and on Monday morning for good swing (Yunus, Malek, Dollah, Mad, Zaidan, Zaman, Fared). Myself and Sobri played together with new friend Mr Aziz and Wife (KLIA staff) in our flight due to the absent of our friends (R and Z).

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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