Wednesday 9 June 2010

WEEKS 21 & 22

The opening week for semester 2 began with DOM. The first opening by course Convernor Dato Tan briefing and the introduction from MIDMC, Naval Post Graduate School, Montrey , CA USA. The mobile team lead by CJ Lavita, Stephen F. Hurst (2nd week), Luis A. Morales, James H. Morris and Jay. The primary objective of the course is to help CP to be better managers of scarce defence resources, thinking critically how to meet those needs over time hile recognizing and dealing with uncertainties of the national security environment. The course covers the concepts and techniques of economic reasoning, management decision theory, and quatitative analysis as apply to planning, programming and budgeting system. The course conducted consists of lectures and small group discussion periods, problem sessions and case studies. The CP were given binder of course related material. The course was good and no much amendments, according to the timing and conducted professionally. Throughout the course few UPNM lecturer also present for understudy for future course. One of them is my squad (R21) LCol (Rtd) Ananthan and Col Suhaimi (UTM Cadet). Wassalam

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