Sunday 26 May 2013


Jitra A and Jitra B lost all the games with 1-0, 4-1, 6-0, 6-0 to Kampar and Muar team. The games was robust and few players injured therefore, we decide to throw the white towel to avoid more injuries and plan for Futsal match in Jun. Anyway, the team captain also fails to consolidate the best players and Jitra don't have the defender and the strikers.The available and most talented players had the old injuries and could not played well. Jitra in one advantage with one hockey champion trophy and look forward at least one more games to emerge as the champion div. The next game Futsal, the team captain must select the best players to represent Jitra Tiger and Jitra Club. The team to be select in early Jun and train as early as possible especially in endurance and fitness. Good luck Jitrian.

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