Friday 17 May 2013


13 MAY 13 - New synd rotation for DS and CP remain in their synd and Div. The first day as usual DS request and directing Synd leader to prep the necessary document and information for better understanding and good communication. At the same time DS also to complete Semester 1 CP report and to submit before 16 May 13. In synd 2, all male (11 CP) with  3 OCP (Oman, Sudan and Bangladesh). New CP are Azahari, Syril, Zahirin, Arjunadi, Charles, Azhan, Fairul, Rafidee, Syafieq, Maafadel and Abdullah. As usual the synd DS disposal with Al Fatihah, motivation, Daily/weekly/monthly programme, morning prayer information and reminders on assignment and problems.
               15 May 13, call synd 4 on personal data clarification and early info on CP achievement, performance and overall result. I am taking opportunity to thanks them on their cooperation and support during 1st term. Thank you to CP Shaifudin (lC), Afza, hadey, Liza, jamal, Johari, Azam, Azhar, Gilbert (Lebanon), Van (Vietnam) and Sam (India).This semester (every Monday 1400-1600), I am the Coordinator/SME on subject DRM 3102 Media and Information Management (MIM) under the Lecturer Lt Kol Sazali bin Sukardi (retired). He retired  from Army on 2009 and work with Cyber Security of Malaysia as Vice President. Semester 2 to be more challenging and extra work such as long lectures, exercise and supervising CP on Compa. Life to goes on, plan to successive and don't plan to fails. Always positive, plan ahead, proactive, doa and tawwakal. InsyaAllah everything in good oreder as God willing, Wassalam.

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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