Wednesday 27 January 2010


The course coming to three weeks, now every CP started adjusting their seat in the studying room to complete the first assignment. The critique on the articles NST to be submit by 29 Jan 2010. To this date CP has received 9 topic for the assignments and all to be be submit early Feb to Apr. Anyway, the preparation and admin part look preety good from the first week. Everyday I need to scan the book and search for the relevent topic for the lectures and a lot of new words, terminologies or jargon seem to be allien to me. Anyway, be happy and work my plan "to do list" every morning for the next day to ensure the smooth sailing day. Keep the work done and record in the computer for future references.

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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