Friday 29 January 2010


The first event at Wisma Kancil organised by PMC is the promotion rank from Lt Col (Navy) to Col (Navy) from Brunai on Jan 25 . It is normal events conducted by the college and one of the CP to be nominated to conducts the event. The breaks and lunch (Nasi Briani) on the account T Hj Hasnan . Congratulation and Thank You. The second events on 26 Jan is the celebration of belated birthday boys Jan 2010. PMC (Cdr Halim) started by introducing the CP the Capricorn boys followed by one Aqurious boy. After singging the Birthday song, the candle blown it followed by the birtday boys representatives to thank giving and thier wishes. The standard cake will be provided and the cost equally share by the WK members. Next birthday will be arrange together with CNY at Flamingo hotel. Thank you.

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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