Tuesday 19 January 2010


The last lecture from Assoc Prof Dr Ruhanas Harun on IR when I was attended MAFSC -UM 1998. Today lecture (after 13 years) was delivered by her on IR subject. She is The Head of IR in UKM. Being the experience lecturer, she was able to deliver her lecture in time given and most of CP could recalled the subject even though we were away from academia lectures on the subject matters. To CP, most of the inputs are in their knowledge but not in terms of analysis and it's relationship to the Malaysia IR as perse. The learning objectives or learning SKST 6473 is to understand the objectives and instruments of Malaysia Foreign policy. Secondly to make connection between theory and practice by developing arguments to substantiate a particular position in Malaysian's foreign policy, thirdly to critically assess the domestic and external factors shaping Malaysia's foreign policy and lastly, to evaluate Malaysia's role critically and contribution in international affairs.
CP also was given/task to prepare group assignment with 4,000 words and to present it as the date decided in the programme started from 4 Feb 2010. The last group will present their assignment 0n 29 Apr 2010. Assessment and grading allocated with 40% on assignments, (group and individual) 20% on quiz and 40% on final examination. Before the IR class ,Syn PLD discussed on analytical essay with general comments from DS Kol Zainal Hj Piee RMAF. and ADS Lt Kol Abdul Razak RMAF. The comments from our essay from DS - the essay must be readable, clear, use more IR terms or jargon and the essay must be simple, short and simple. The views from CP also were disscused and shared toward our styles in managing our time through out first week at MAFDC. The day knock off after attending the briefing from Mindef Library. Tomorrow subject, CP to attend the Research Methodology at UKM from Assoc Prof Dr Rashila Ramli and collecting our Matric Card. This card is for CP to access into UKM and also accessing into UKM Portal/Library. The important admin of the day is collecting Lenovo notebook (loan) from MAFDC IT Clerk Cpl Annuar and at 1800 hr end up with jogging around Keramat Kiri routes. Wassalam.

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