Saturday 13 February 2010


My housing area surround with Chinese and Indian. Last month was the Ponggol festival for Indian and today is the CNY celebration. During the ponggal there is no holiday and I am way in KL but from my wife I have the input about the activities celebrated during that night. Last night and the previous CNY after having their grand dinner, the firecrackers and CNYsong take place untill midnight and continous like war cannon and bombs until early morning. To us it is normal since we moved in 1998, but some times middle of the night the loud bang of firecracker wake us up. To some maybe apart of their culture but sometimes the tolenrance should be coorperates with the action and the neighbours harmony. Do they think about others who need sleep in peace. The activities to be stop at least untill midnight, and they can start burning "monies" from 0600 morning until midnight. The can burned thier money as much as they want but they must tolerates and think about others. I also see the Ponggal nowdays follows the firecrackers culture and more often whatever holidays or any celebration the sounds of firecracks or fireworks is a must. From where they get the illegal stocks or who is the supplier? There are rules and regulations and enforcement body to controlled the banned items but why all this easily found in markets? So many arrest made on the smuggling firecrackers but many in the markets ? Why is it because no one do thier job what they suppose to do? or they are deaft to hear the sound or the sound to them like thunderstorm and lightning during rainy season eventhough there are under the hot sun. To report and complaint or to argue is no use but to educates and to curb the source of supplier is wiser. Higher penalty and jails the pusher and supplier will only make way for better living for people at large but the demand and supply must be controlled by govern body with No Corrupt and Good jobs.

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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