Thursday 11 February 2010


On the weeks 5, I observed most CP look more cheerful but every body is always in hurried with big baggage with computer and books. Some left the reference book in the pigeon hole, library and syndicate room lockers. Who ever commute daily by car there will be extra T shirt/shirts but for sure there are books in the back seat, front passenger seat and in the boots also few books thrown around. At the Lanai Mess the room always light on until wee morning. The books also everywhere in the room be at the bedside, on the bed, the racks an some on the floors. Few I believes in the small room reading while at ease.
Every morning, The CP stay SOP will arrive earlier around 7 am and be the first in the syndicate room if that morning schedule for PLD class. The fifth weeks, everybody is more serious in reading books, journals or notes related to their assignments. Some came early to surf the web using the facilities provided by the college. By 730 in the morning, normally I used to surf and download whatever journals, articles for the assignments. The PLD session also becoming lively and most of CP use whatever terminologies, jargon in the discussion or debates. Most CP have solved their administrative problems but few still worried about the unapproved topic for master thesis.
First group exercise, we have to prepared until midnight and myself together with my China CP discussed and prepared the HDI related to Movement/migration based on Human Development Indexes year 2009. Surprisingly my colleague well verse and having good speaking English. We manage to complete our analysis on the topic before midnight. Today we also had the Guest Speaker from Philippines Embassy and the setting as usual started with Introducing CP from Philippine's briefly present the good introduction, follows by lectures and lastly concluded by Dy Comdt cum CDS (Col Rosli). Tomorrow we will have the CDS Disposal and follows with Dato Dr Zakaria lectures before the College pack up for the long CNY holiday. To CP the few days holiday means for families but we have to read, read and read and complete 2 assignment that to be submitted on 17 Feb. The other assignment also need to be working out and must be ready by end of the month. Happy CNY to Comdt, LCol Ir OW, LCol Johnny Lim, LCol Dexter and Lcol Xu.

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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