Monday 23 June 2008

SPEAK UP! :: theSun Says

Consult the Opposition on major policies

THERE is no doubt that the government’s decision to allow the hefty increases in the price of petrol and diesel will come under severe criticism in Parliament when it begins its second meeting on Monday. The enlarged opposition is going to question the government at every turn, during question time, during debates on bills and especially during the debate on inflation.

Every reason that the government plans to put forward to explain the June 5 increases – already severely criticised by the public since then – is expected to be hotly controverted by the 82-strong opposition. Considering the political agenda of the combined opposition, collectively calling itself the Pakatan Rakyat or People’s Alliance coalition, the BN government is going to be made to be seen as inconsiderate, uncaring and calloused.It is unfortunate that the ruling party has to take all the blame as the increases would have to be made anyway sometime or other considering the runaway increase of the price of crude worldwide. The increases and how they are to be implemented could have been an all-party decision and not just that of the ruling party alone although in the end it makes the final call. The decision could have been debated in the Dewan Rakyat as well as in its special committees and also other jointly-organised forums. That way the ruling party could have shared the decision with the other political parties and may be even other concerned interests.

For that to happen, of course, the government must be prepared to be completely transparent in all matters relating to our oil production and our import of cheaper crude. And just as important, the ruling party must no longer ignore MPs from the Opposition parties as after all they have been elected by about half of the electorate. As theOpposition now constitutes more than a third of the members of the Dewan Rakyat, it must be accorded some measure of role in the decision-making process or at least to be consulted on major decisions affecting the rakyat’s livelihood.

If democracy is to work – and it can be safely assumed that the voters want it to work considering the verdict they delivered on March 8 – the Opposition now must be given a bigger role to play. The Opposition too must realise that it was given a bigger voice not just to simply oppose all government decisions but to play a responsible role in vetting them, rejecting them and at the same time helping the government make the right decision in the interest of the well-being of the nation and the rakyat.With regard to the increase in the prices of petrol and diesel, the government may have decided but the decision is not written in stone.

Updated: 09:31AM Fri, 20 Jun 2008

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"Kejayaan dimiliki tidak hadir sendiri tetapi ia datang dengan usaha, berdoa dan bertawakal"

"setiap yang kita impikan tidak selalunya indah, kesunyian mengajar erti hidup berdikari, Namun satu yang kita akan ingat seumur hidup, KENANGAN"

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